Actor Shah Rukh Khan’s Meer Foundation has pledged support towards the child from the viral Muzaffarpur railway station video. The toddler’s video of him pulling on his dead mother at the station went viral amid the migrant exodus crisis.
Meer Foundation shared a picture of the child with his grandparents and said it will be looking after his well-being. “#MeerFoundation is thankful to all who helped us reach this child, whose heart wrenching video of trying to wake his mother disturbed all. We are now supporting him and he is under his grandfather’s care,” the organisation’s tweet read.
Shah Rukh tweeted, “Thank you all for getting us in touch with the little one. We all pray he finds strength to deal with the most unfortunate loss of a parent. I know how it feels…Our love and support is with you baby.”
Shah Rukh lost his father when he was a child and his mother died 30 years ago. During his interview with David Letterman, Shah Rukh had said that there is one thing ‘he holds against his parents’ it’s that they did not spend enought time with him. “So that’s one thing I decided. That I am going to make sure that I live very long, and I make sure that I keep on living with my kids and never let them feel they don’t have a parent. So any given moment I spend with them, I study with them, I sleep with them, I chat with them, I sort out all their problems, and I hate it when they have boyfriend girlfriend problems,” he had said.
The actor’s group of companies, Kolkata Knight Riders, Red Chillies Entertainment, Meer Foundation and Red Chillies VFX, also announced several initiatives to support the efforts of the government in its Covid-19 fight. The actor also provided 25,000 PPE kits to the medical workers in Maharashtra who are fighting to contain the novel coronavirus pandemic in the state.
Patna High Court on Thursday took suo motu cognizance of report on the viral heart-rending video. “This warrants intervention by us in exercise of our jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India and as such we take suo motu cognizance of the news item and issue notice,” said the bench of the Chief Justice Sanjay Karol and Justice S Kumar after the matter was brought to their notice during the course of a hearing, when the latter brought it to the notice of the CJ.