Germany hits million cases; Russia, India sign deal for vaccine


COURTESY BY: BERLIN: Germany, once a beacon of hope in Europe’s coronavirus nightmare, logged its one millionth case on Friday, while Russia signed up India to mass produce its controversial Sputnik vaccine. Although the virus spread is slowing thanks to weeks of tough restrictions, Europe remains at the heart of the pandemic, recording more cases than the United States in the past week. The pandemic is gaining strength fastest in Asia and Latin America, and is up by a worrying 113 percent over the week in Mexico. Germany had…

China displays Covid-19 vaccines for first time


COURTESY BY: BEIJING: China has put its homegrown coronavirus vaccines on display for the first time, as the country where the contagion was discovered looks to shape the narrative surrounding the pandemic. High hopes hang on the small vials of liquid on show at a Beijing trade fair this week — vaccine candidates produced by Chinese companies Sinovac Biotech and Sinopharm. Neither has hit the market yet but the makers hope they will be approved after all-important phase 3 trials as early as year-end. A Sinovac representative said his…

Russia Approves World’s First Coronavirus Vaccine, Putin Announces


COURTESY BY: Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that the country has registered the world’s first coronavirus vaccine early Tuesday. Vladimir Putin said that Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute has successfully registered the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine for use. He also said that his daughter is among those who have tested the medicine. He also said that Russia’s Health Ministry has given regulatory approval for the vaccine after less than two months of human testing. He said during a televised video conference call with government ministers, “This morning, for the first time…

First COVID-19 Vaccine Is Ready For Use, Claims Russia


COURTESY BY: On Tuesday, Russia claimed that the Covid-19 vaccine developed with the Russian Defense Ministry had been prepared for use and completed Phase 2 trials. The First Deputy Defense Minister Ruslan Tsalikov said, “Russia’s first vaccine against the novel coronavirus infection, which was created by military specialists and scientists of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, is ready.” According to Russian News Agency TASS, the Defense Ministry announced on Monday that it had successfully completed clinical trials of the coronavirus vaccine on volunteers based on the…

Only half of Americans would get access to Covid-19 vaccine: Poll


COURTESY BY: Only about half of Americans say they would get a Covid-19 vaccine if the scientists working furiously to create one succeed, according to a new poll. That’s surprisingly low considering the effort going into the global race for a vaccine against the coronavirus that has sparked a pandemic since first emerging from China late last year. But more people might eventually roll up their sleeves: The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, released Wednesday, found 31% simply weren’t sure if they’d get vaccinated.…

China’s coronavirus vaccine will be global public good, Xi Says


Tedros Adhanom, director general of the World Health Organization, shakes hands with Chinese President Xi jinping before a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, January 28, 2020. (REUTERS) COURTESY BY: China will make its coronavirus vaccine a global public good once one is available, President Xi Jinping told the World Health Organization’s governing body. Xi’s comments come amid growing concern that countries will put national interests first in the quest for a protective shot, seen as the key to getting economies moving again. The…

Finally China gives in, agrees for probe into Covid-19 origin, WHO response


A woman wearing a protective mask is seen past a portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping on a street as the country is hit by an outbreak of the coronavirus, in Shanghai, China.(via REUTERS) COURTESY BY: China on Monday gave in to mounting international pressure for a probe into the origin of Covid-19 and a review of the World Health Organisation’s response to the pandemic. President Xi Jinping told the World Health Assembly that China had acted with ‘openness, transparency and responsibility’ when the disease, which has impacted billions…

China warns of countermeasures after US tightens visa rules for Chinese journalists


US President Donald Trump meets with China’s President Xi Jinping (Reuters file photo) COURTESY BY: China on Monday warned that it will take countermeasures in response to the US decision to tighten visa rules for Chinese journalists, urging Washington to immediately correct its mistakes. The US last week announced it was limiting the visa-period for Chinese journalists to 90 days with the option to extend it. The Chinese foreign ministry said Washington to correct its mistakes against Chinese journalists immediately or it will face countermeasures. Opposing the US move,…

EU warns against suspension of children vaccination amid Covid-19 pandemic


Andrea Ammon, director European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control warned that some countries in Europe have suspended all vaccinations during the epidemic.(Reuters file photo. Representative image) COURTESY BY: The European Union warned on Monday that decisions by some European countries to suspend vaccination of children during the coronavirus epidemic could cause serious problems. “It is very clear we will get pockets of people, children, who have not been vaccinated,” Andrea Ammon, director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), told EU lawmakers. She said most…

Donald Trump revises US Covid-19 toll estimate again to ‘hopefully under 100,000’


US President Donald Trump talks to reporters as he departs on travel to the Camp David presidential retreat from the South Lawn at the White House in Washington, US, May 1, 2020. (REUTERS) COURTESY BY: President Donald Trump on Friday revised the estimate of US fatalities from Covid-19 to “hopefully” less than 100,000, just days after he said he feared it could go up to 60,000 and then to 70,000. His first estimate based on projections by his coronavirus task force was up to 200,000. As of Saturday morning,…