Israel Removes Saudi Arabia From Quarantine List A Day After Netanyahu’s ‘Visit’


COURTESY BY: Following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reported visit to Saudi Arabia, the Israeli Ministry of Health added Saudi Arabia to its “green” list of coronavirus. The list includes countries from which returnees do not have to stay in quarantine. According to the foreign news agency ‘AFP’, the Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed that Saudi Arabia was included in the list of safe countries a day ago, but denied any connection to Netanyahu’s reported visit to the futuristic Red Sea city of Neom on Sunday. For news updates…

Bahrain, Israel agree to set up embassies in Jerusalem meet


COURTESY BY: JERUSALEM: Bahrain’s foreign minister called for fresh Israeli-Palestinian peace talks during a landmark meeting on Wednesday in Israel with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Pompeo — President Donald Trump’s top diplomat, on a farewell visit to close ally Israel — did not address Israel’s dispute with the Palestinians, who have protested his planned trip on Thursday to a Jewish-owned business in the occupied West Bank. Bahrain’s Abdellatif al-Zayani said the historic US-brokered deals the Gulf kingdom and the United Arab Emirates…

First Commercial Flight From Israel, Equipped With Air Defense System, Lands In UAE


COURTESY BY: Flight no ‘PVT2357’ from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi equipped with a special system to protect against air hazards such as surface-to-air missiles has landed. The aircraft is equipped with Direct IR Countermeasures (DIRCM) defence systems developed by Elbit Systems to detect and jam the infrared threats of surface-to-air missiles fired by aircraft. This system is also called a portable defence system. The development of a defence system for commercial aircraft began in 2002 after an attempt was made to shoot down an Israeli passenger plane in…

Israel’s Foreign Intelligence Service Mossad Head Visits UAE


COURTESY BY: On Tuesday, the head of Israel’s foreign intelligence service Mossad, Yossi Cohen, visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to meet the national security adviser of the country. “The two sides discussed prospects for cooperation in the security field and shared perspectives on regional developments and issues of common interested, including both countries’ efforts to contain COVID-19,” told an agency. After Trump’s announcement last week that both the countries, Israel and UAE had agreed to normalize relations, Cohen’s trip to UAE became the first visit by an Israeli…