CCUSA congratulates new Canadian cricket boss


MARGATE/FL – USA: President and CEO of Cricket Council USA (CCUSA) Mahammad Qureshi has sent out congratulations to the incoming president of the Canadian Cricket Board Rashpal Bajwa.
Bajwa who served as vice-president for some time was voted in around a week ago to the top post and Qureshi placed a call to him, congratulating him and wishing him all the best in his new endeavor. Speaking to News 925 Qureshi said: “I would like to congratulate Rashpal and wish him all the best as he takes the reigns of Canadian cricket. He is good for cricket in Canada at the moment and I called him to congratulate him and to wish him all the best.
“I also wanted to assure him that Cricket Council USA will continue to support Canadian cricket as we have done in the past.”
Qureshi said Bajwa was aware of the good work bring done by CCUSA and said he will like to forge a relationship with the cricket body that will be mutually beneficial to both parties.
“He was aware of the hard work we are doing the benefits that have come the way of Canadian cricketers. We have assisted a lot with Canadian cricketers in offering them the platform of the US Open T20 to play cricket with international competition.
“We have had top players from Canada like Rizwan Cheema, Hamza
Tariq and Junaid Sidique play at the US Open T20 and MAQ T10 USA Nationals for years. These guys have come across and got the opportunity to continue improving their career against top international opposition.
“We have also sponsored cricket tournaments in Canada and I just wanted to connect with the president to let him know that we will
stay the course with him and continue to assist where we can.”

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